Wednesday, March 4, 2009

9 & 10- Tuesday

9- We arrived late to Miguel's class, but Sensei told us to bow in.

Practiced with the two kids (Zoe and the boy), Gustavo, the Navy guy, Eddy, and Deena.

Miguel had everyone working on entries because most of the beginners still collapse too much to do complete technique. Good practice to work with real beginners. Have to work on form and control. My left knee is bothering me.

10- Deena sensei taught weapons, bokken

Practiced with Lori

Pushed each other back and forth across the floor. Not as connected as I was last week with Miguel. I had a headache and was tired. Lori had a migraine and a pinched nerve. Made some progress with receiving into my center and keeping my cool and my focus even though I was tired. Need to ask someone for a refresher on the eight step saburi. Cannot do it. Certainly can't do it in suwari waza. Way to tense in my shoulders. Need to drop all the way into my lower back and let that go.

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